
On behalf of the Pahuah Institue (PI), I would like to welcome you to our web site.
This web site is a part of our effort to publish articles and information regarding the Hmong language, cultural, educational, social and economic developments for the Hmong people around the world. We hope that it will serve as a resource that will not only encourage education among the Hmong, but will also provide a better understanding about the Hmong language, culture and its traditions.
For the past ten years, the board and officers of PI have sacrificed their time and efforts in accomplishing many of this organization's services to the Hmong youths in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul area. This relentless group has coordinated and assisted with the teaching and promoting of the Pahauh Hmong (Hmong original writing script) founded by Shong Lue Yang, know as the Mother of Writing, in which over 300 Hmong student participated yearly. The organization not only teach the Hmong language and its writing system, culture, social, and economic but also include sessions of disciplines buy lumigan for parents and youths, projects, referrals, and individual counseling.
Even though we realize the importance of promoting education among the Hmong, we also emphasize on the need to educate the youths about their culture. Therefore, the organization offered programs devoted towards keeping many of the Hmong cultural traditions in existence. These programs are range from learning how to implement the "Raj, Ncas, Xim Xaus" and to construct it, learning the Hmong traditional dance "Yaj Yaum, Ntxhee Txuj", and the Hmong writing system of the Pahauh Hmong. We believe that this will help to keep the Hmong heritage in existence for generations to come. Please continue to visit this site for the latest developments for special collections of information regarding the Hmong Language.
PI sends its deepest gratitude to all of its contributors, supporters, and the Hmong community of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. With your support, whether it is comments, suggestion or financial contribution, we greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you and please visit us again.
Yer Her
Executive Director